A review by ashction
Begin Again by Emma Lord


ABC TBR Challenge: 2/26

This is easily my new favorite Emma Lord!

Begin Again introduces us to Andie, a second-semester freshman transfer to the university that united her parents and sparked her mom's infamous career in broadcasting. Andie is excited to go there not just because of what it means to her now that her mom is gone, but because she can also finally be at the same school as her long-time boyfriend. But when Andie arrives and finds out that he transferred to her old community college instead, all her plans get thrown out the window. What follows is a coming-of-age tale of making new friends, going on adventures, and finding yourself in the midst of trying everything new.

I thought this was a great college story, one that really emphasizes the way young adults typically change and spread their wings once they get to higher education. Andie's core friend group is delightful, and I really appreciated that none of the drama that happens in the book has anything to do with those friendships being tested. Each character gets room to grow and explore themselves, all told through the lens of fix-it-Andie, which I loved! There's also a lot of emphasis on family; both Andie and Milo, our romantic lead, bond over a lost parent and family issues. And, of course, it wouldn't be an Emma Lord book without a swoony romance to boot! Begin Again plays into one of my favorite things - broadcast/radio romance - and gives us a romance that's a warm and cozy strangers to friends to lovers moment. Milo and Andie suit each other so well and I loved exactly how it all went down - it was soft and warm and sweet!

I would say the one thing I didn't understand and never really vibed with was Andie's quirky choice to use baked goods as curse words. But it's not distracting enough that I gave it much attention.

All in all, this was a perfect contemporary for me. A good bit of romance but mostly a lot of heart and growing up.

I received a digital ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to Wednesday Books for providing me access!