A review by nikki1211
25 Days 'til Christmas by Poppy Alexander


Young widow Kate cannot catch a break, whether its working for a terrible company, dealing with the mean moms at her son’s school, dealing with the school admin who make her son feel less than welcome, and missing her husband terribly during a time of year she used to love the most. Daniel is grieving himself and the thought of Kate - whom he has yearned from a far - brings him joy when most things do not. Will these lonely souls bring back the holiday spirit for each other?

I whipped through it in a day. This one is not a cheery, sugar cookie read. It’s more in line with It's a Wonderful Life, where you watch and hope for goodness to come, and come fast. It counts down until Christmas, but the holiday is not really the focal point. It’s more about the challenges and setbacks Kate keeps experiencing while trying to keep Christmas - and life in general - merry for her son, Jack. It would be a Lifetime movie versus Hallmark. For fans of A Christmas Carol (as well as Its a Wonderful Life).

I have to say that I adore the book cover illustrated by Nathan Burton!

Thank you William Morrow for gifting me my first holiday read of the season!

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