A review by amburhostyn
The Final Score by Jaci Burton


I've been a HUGE fan of Jaci Burton's Play By Play series since the very first book, The Perfect Game, and I've loved every single book in the series so far! I've absolutely LOVED seeing her build up the Riley family, the Cassidy family and every other amazing character in between! We started with Mick and Tara in the first book...and now in THE FINAL SCORE we're making our way back to them with their son, Nathan...and his love interest happens to be Mia, the only daughter in the Cassidy family! We've met her four older brothers and seen them all find love, so it was absolutely wonderful to come back to see her budding romance with Nathan! Even better, I'm love friends-to-lovers romances and Jaci did an amazing job with this one!

If you're new to the Play by Play series, you won't necessarily know the backstory for a lot of these characters, but don't worry, you won't be spoiled if you decide to pick it up now! You'll see who they're with, but with Jaci's books, the stories of how they got there are really what make them all so wonderful. Of course, if you start here, you're going to love it, and then you'll desperately want to get your hands on all of the books that came before this one...so don't say I didn't warn you! That being said, don't let the fact that this is a bigger series stop you from picking it up. Jaci Burton's romances are phenomenal, and if you're a contemporary romance fan at all, I seriously can't recommend her books enough. I read A LOT of romance, and Jaci Burton is an absolute favourite of mine! Her books are on my auto-buy list (especially her Play by Play series!!!), and she also happens to be the romance author that got me obsessed with sports romances in the first place!

If you're a fan of sexy stories with a whole lot of heart, then Jaci Burton is absolutely for you! Her characters are amazing! In the 13 books (and several novellas) that make up the Play by Play series, I have yet to run into any repetitive storylines or to feel like her characters are copies of each other! The characters, the stories...and even the sexy scenes, are all incredibly unique and she manages to keep her writing fresh no matter how far along in the series you get! I was actually a bit worried when I first heard about THE FINAL SCORE because I thought it was the last book in series and I didn't want her series to be finished yet (I don't think I ever will!)....don't worry though, it isn't! There's already another book planned for February 2018 called SHOT ON GOLD...and I can't wait to read it, too!

Somehow...despite being smitten with Jaci's books for years this is the first time that I've actually reviewed one on my blog, so I hope you don't blame me for gushing about how awesome she is before talking specifically about THE FINAL SCORE! ;)

As should come as no surprise by how much I've already raved about Jaci Burton in this review, I've loved every single book in her Play by Play series! I'd be hard pressed to ever pick a favourite, but for right now (until the next book comes that is ;D), THE FINAL SCORE is sitting right at the top of my list! Nathan and Mia were phenomenal main characters, and I loved getting to know them better! I also adored their dynamics together. As I mentioned, I love romances that are friends-to-lovers, so I was a huge fan of how their story developed. They were so open and honest with each other, and their chemistry was off the charts! All of the books in this series are sexy, but WOW! Mia and Nathan had hot enough chemistry that I thought my kindle might just overheat. ;)

Overall, I loved THE FINAL SCORE! It's the perfect addition to an already amazing sports romance series, and I can't wait for Jaci Burton's next book...SHOT ON GOLD!