A review by vingilot
Operation Barracuda by David Michaels


The second Splinter cell novel, and the last with the first person narrative.

In some ways I liked this one more than the previous, it is a direct sequel to the previous one, and really works to further the world it created. It is kind of unfortunate that they did not manage to keep this up, after they changed authors.

But what you say, it is the same author on the cover, but well dear reader that is a pseudonym. after these two the authors changed, but more about the changes that came with this in my review of the next one.

This was a fun read, but suffered from the same kind of James Bondy villain. It is also more personal for Sam than the game narratives were, which is an improvement in some ways, but takes away from his professionalism in parts. He also does less general sneaking around which is what splinter cell is all about, so that is missed too.

But another fun read, nothing really groundbreaking, but fun.