A review by pandemoniumpizza
The Dreaming, Vol. 3 by Queenie Chan

Volume Three is the final book in the trilogy. I loved the entire series and while I'm relieved the scariness is over but I'm also sad that it has ended.

With Volume 3 I am not disappointed. It is really good and I thought it was highly scary too. Fortunately when I went to sleep after reading the entire series I didn't have any nightmares.

I loved the illustrations they were all really good. They were so well drawn that they added to the horror of the story so much.

I found the ending to be quite an interesting one. While they didn't explain one thing it was really obvious what had happened. I also felt sad by the ending because it wasn't a happy one and I felt sorry for the twin girls.

Looking back at the trilogy as a whole I felt that we didn't get to know much about Amber and what was known about her left holes and questions for me.

The rest of the book however, was really good.

Definitely check this entire series out.