A review by thewriterrose
Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me. by Lily Collins


Unless you can specifically relate to any of the topics that Lily talks about, this may not be the book for you. There’s a lot of wisdom in this book, but you have to read through a lot of her personal experience. Some of it isn’t super relatable, like her magically acquiring a job writing for Elle UK after a few phone calls, or juggling an acting and modeling career as a teen, or having Phill Collins as a dad.

There were things I could personally relate to, and I grew up watching her build in her career. While I’m not a die-hard fan, I was intrigued enough to pick up this book and finish it in one night. It’s a super easy read, and if you even remotely like her, this book will make you like her even more.

It’s well written, and her voice is very strong while reading. It feels like it was written entirely by her, which may not be the case in some books in similar categories. It’s definitely worth a read.

Even if you don’t struggle with eating disorders, or toxic relationships, maybe you can find inspiration through her very healthy perspective of relationships and confidence.