A review by cendi
Partials by Dan Wells

Did not finish book.


Reviewed By: Paperback Princesses

I gave this book an honest chance, but nothing about it grabbed my attention. Its the February Book of the Month for my Dystopia book group on Goodreads, and it’s one I’ve wanted to read for a while, so after I finished Suspicion, I picked this one up.

The book starts out by explaining that the world was destroyed by these beings known as Partials, who released a disease that the world was not immune to. Babies only live for a maximum of 3 days tops, and anyone older than that was born before the war. The main character is sixteen year old Kira, who works in Maternity, taking down all information she can about babies, from the minute they’re born until after they die. She’s determined to find a cure.

They must call this book Partials because you only partially read the book before you give up and put it down. I gave up a third of the way through, and I never not finish books. It is far too wordy, putting lengthy paragraphs down where they don’t need to be. All of the history in the book is delivered verbally by the characters, which doesn’t work for any book. And it seems that the book can’t quite decide which history to focus on. Its very jumpy.

For the little bit that I did read, I liked Kira. But in honesty, that’s about all I liked about it. I’m sure the story has potential, but I don’t think the author delivered it very well. I will try again and read it in the future, but not anytime soon.