A review by shoni
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews


The authors writing style is a lot different then most since he really tried to show how the character is the one writing a book and doesn't know how too. His arguments are clear, but since the main character is a screenwriter he tries to add that effect when writing. His directions are a little confusing since he shows how a kid in his senior year of high school who knows nothing about writing a book. He balanced the intereral and external character development very well for published book. He showed how the main character, Greg Grains who is a senior high school student with only one best friend, who finds out one of his "friends " has cancer, is dealing with everything. On the outside he looks like he knows what he's doing and is a caring friend. But when in reality,on the inside, he has no idea what he's doing, and he thinks he isn't a caring friend. Overall, the authors choice of words defiantly makes want to read more.

Jesse Andrew goes way different then the normal cancer plot structure. Instead of starting how with how they met and why they fell in love with each other he decides that they met each other before and that they aren't in love. The rising action, instead of being why how they slowly fall for each other it is how Greg deals with finding a way to make Rachel "last few day" memorable. The climax would be him fighting with earl, instead if how he is madly in love with Rachel. The falling action could be when Rachel died and he promised her a few things. All of those are way different then your normal cancer book. He took an idea and made it original, his writing style is unique and shows how if your passionate about an idea it will work.