A review by ava_griffy
Every Reason We Shouldn't by Sara Fujimura


To start, I got this book in the discount section of chapters. So my expeditions were pretty low going in. This book started off SUPER awkwardly. Employing the words “ako-taco”, “adorkable”, and asterisks roll playing in the texting between the main characters. But by the middle it was a super cute high school romance. It was actually super lovely to read this right now, totally felt like a throw back to J and I in high school. :)
I felt like this was one of those books taht kinda peaked in the middle. There was angst happening about whether they wanted to prioritize normal life or being number one in their own skating careers. But they were also just enjoying being in their first real relationship. BUT after that lovely middle bit, the last 40 pages went down hill a bit. It got very Hallmark “i have to save my parents small business before I can move on in my life”.
Overall, there were a lot of interesting themes throughout this book: parent/teen relationships, overachieving teens, POC dynamics, class differences, and even touched on violence in US high schools. I would recommend this book … but not recommend it to be taken all too seriously. It is definitely more of a young teen read.