A review by felinity
Doctor Who: Heart of Stone by Trevor Baxendale


In a twist on the Midas myth and with a nod to Asimov, the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) must solve the puzzle, protect Jess' father's farm from being rockified and/or unwillingly sold, and save the Earth. (Yes, I'm sure that last was a surprise to regular viewers/readers.)

There was one line which was obviously a scene-change suitable for television, and part of the ending was simplistically unrealistic, even for Doctor Who. But I enjoyed reading another DW monster-threatening-the-world story, and the characters of the Doctor, Amy and Rory had some good by-plays and remained consistent with the show.

So it was fun, but not one of the best.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.