A review by buta_comes_home
The Best of World SF: Volume 1 by Lavie Tidhar


It’s always a leap of faith picking up an anthology, no less so when it is science fiction. I got an eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I tested the waters so you don’t have to take a risk, if you like. The Best of World SF is not a risk. Some of the stories are utterly fantastic, some missed their mark for me personally but were still interesting conceptually whether in style or direction. This is what good sci-fi is. The Best of World SF is not a lie. This particular anthology was bookended by two authors familiar to me and the stretched around the world to scoop up perspectives on sci-fi I could never have imagined. That’s where this anthology sings: juxtaposing styles and ideas. No two stories are the same. Some are even hopeful about the future (SF does not equal dystopia)! If you even tentatively like science fiction, inside you will find new favourites I promise.