A review by exorcismemily
I Miss The World by Violet LeVoit


"I am not bad. I am good but hurt. That is often mistaken for bad. But it's not true. And there is nothing I have done that cannot be forgiven."

This book. I don't even know where to start. I was so unsure about what was going on for most of I Miss the World, and then I loved when everything tied together. This is a unique story, and I enjoyed it.

Most of this book is focused on a dialogue between two characters. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this, but it was done really well. Some parts were confusing, but I think I ended up grasping what was going on. Sometimes books like this can feel cheesy, but this one did not. I Miss the World is grim and haunting. I will definitely be reading more from Violet LeVoit!