A review by whimsicalmeerkat
Hounded by Kevin Hearne


First of all, you have to ignore the awful cover. It's a much better book than it implies, I promise. It's a much better book than I expected, even with a solid set of recommendations behind it.

[b:Hounded|9533378|Hounded (Iron Druid Chronicles, #1)|Kevin Hearne|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51xgF5-9zSL._SL75_.jpg|14419515] is the story of an ancient Druid who's hiding out in Arizona running a bookstore and selling teas to college students. Unfortunately, he doesn't think about the implications of an internet presence in the age of Google and is found by, among others, his greatest enemy. An excellent combination of the funny and the violent ensues. Trailed by Oberon, his Irish wolfhound sidekick, Atticus fights ancient beings and gods, cements a friendship with an old Irish woman who I seriously want to be like when I grow up, and various other spoilery hi jinks. Purely a fun read, not great character development, but some enjoyable snarky one-liners.