A review by chalicotherex
Revenge of the Kremlin by Gérard de Villiers


It wasn't very imaginative or well written or anything, but I liked the 'plucked from the headlines' concept of investigating the Berezovsky killing. And to think de Villiers was pumping five of these out per year at one point! Apparently they're fairly accurate, too, in the sense of the author doing his homework. Evidently he predicted the assassinations of Anwar al Sadat and Indira Gandhi, plus he once accidentally outed the CIA's Madagascar station chief and the fact that he worked from the the fourth floor of the embassy? He'd meant to change the character's name but forgot to do so. So this probably would've been more interesting if I had more interest invested in the Berezovsky killing. Might read his Benghazi book at some point, if I can track it down.