A review by wisbeth
Falling to Pieces by Vannetta Chapman


Callie Harper is still getting over the loss of her husband when her Aunt Daisy dies. Daisy owned a quilt store in Shipshewana, an Amish community. Callie comes to wrap up her aunt's affairs only to find herself running her aunt's quilt store until it can be sold. She meets Deborah Yoder, an Amish woman who wants Callie to help sell her quilts in the store to help out two of Deborah's friends who have fallen on hard times. Callie accepts the challenge of selling the quilts while she waits for the store to sell. Some of Callie's decisions concerning the sale of the quilts leads to controversy in the community which attracts the local newspaper editor, who doesn't exactly get the facts straight. When he is murdered, Callie becomes a prime suspect. The journey to solving the murder is quite suspenseful that will keep you guessing.

This is a fun, cozy mystery. Deborah and her friends, Melinda and Esther are the kind of friends a new gal in town like Callie needs. There is even Max, Aunt Daisy's dog who is quite entertaining. Of course there are a few hunky characters who also make the story interesting. I have been to Shipshewana and could easily imagine the quilt shop and the community. I enjoyed this cozy. It is a quick read for a lazy summer day. If you enjoy cozy mysteries or Amish fiction, pick this up. You will enjoy the time you spend with Callie and her friends. This is published by Zondervan but I didn't find it to be preachy at all.

I received this ARC E-book courtesy of Zondervan and Netgalley. This in no way influenced my review.