A review by jenny14
The Complete Poems and Plays, 1909-1950 by T.S. Eliot


Eliot’s poetry is wonderful and strange and confusing and complicated and allusive and beautiful and dangerous. I definitely recommend reading some of his work - be prepared to not understand everything and to be okay with that; not understanding can be a great experience. That being said, if you’re interested in all of the allusions Eliot makes, check out [b:A Guide to the Selected Poems of T.S. Eliot|119232|A Guide to the Selected Poems of T.S. Eliot|B.C. Southam|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1347758033s/119232.jpg|114794], which I found to be an interesting counterpart to Eliot’s poems. (Also, a good guide for the Four Quartets is [b:Redeeming Time: T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets|79940|Redeeming Time T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets|Kenneth Paul Kramer|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1392092324s/79940.jpg|77193].)