A review by taryn_a
My Name is Hope: Anxiety, depression, and life after melancholy by John Mark Comer


Very thought provoking book that I think is good for all believers, not just those struggling with anxiety and depression.

I am naturally disposed to have a much more positive outlook on life, but randomly bought this book last year because a friend had read it and I was intrigued.

This past week, I came to the end of my emotional rope. After three weeks of hardly any sleep, traveling, emotional upheaval and working like crazy, I was a stressed out, emotional mess. I was hardly able to eat and by Thursday after work, I was in so much pain from the knots in my stomach that I just laid in my bed, reading my Bible and praying.

And I remembered the book I bought a year ago, sitting on my shelf.

After just reading the first few chapters, I was helped though a process of untying the knots in my stomach. I was shown some habitual sin in my life that I needed to get out. It was painful, but well worth it.

I'm about to buy at least one, probably two copies to send to friends. Highly recommended!