A review by bitchie
Floodgates by Mary Calmes


Wavering between 2 and 3 stars. Full review to come, getting down thoughts now while it's fresh.

The Dimah stuff had nothing to do with anything at all and could have easily been left out, but then I decided it's just there to make Tracy seem like a dumb kid who needs to be chided about his choices by everyone around him. The shooting was never resolved, and was just another way to make Tracy a Perils of Penelope Pitstop character. Not one but TWO completely unrelated people threatening him?

Breck was scum. You know he cheated more than we found out about. The family/old boyfriend stuff was so inconsistent and out of left field, as was him lifting a hand to Tracy.

I didn't like Celia either. She seduces the guy's boyfriend (not that I imagine it took much effort on her part), then asks HIM to step aside? Some nerve, even if Tracy was out by this point.

Oh, and how coincidental that she happened to be a bridesmaid to the daughter of the woman Tracy' dad is seeing, and they all, yes DoucheBreck included, end up at Tracy's dad's house.

Loved the Brandt family, but man, are people really that touchy feely? I have never seen any of my male relatives or friends be so huggy or kissy with each other.

Leave the freaking state to fly cross country to draw the crazy person out? Fantastic idea. How come Tracy's former cop current DEA brother didn't take time off work to go with them? No idea.

Not one but two people get kidnapped under police protection. Keystone cops, here. Dimah sent two guys to watch Tracy, and they did nothing, wtf? But Dimah, who has this type of people to send this way isn't mobbed up. OK, yeah.