A review by bmg20
Fury by Shirley Marr


My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Thank you to the Midnight Garden for hosting this tour and giving me the opportunity to read this! I’ve been trying to that get my hands on for quite some time and I’m so glad that I was able to be a part of this blog tour.

’East Rivermoore built a wall to keep the world out. But what if the real danger came from within? Before the seven o’clock news started to call us monsters, I wondered whether deep inside I wanted myself to be one anyways.’

Eliza Boans is a rich snob and spoiled brat… and she’ll be the first to agree with you. She leads a pampered life as the ‘leader’ of her group of friends and is given anything she could ever want by her rich but always absent mother. She’s just confessed to murder but isn’t regretful about it in the least… but did she actually do it?

’I reckon if you looked inside me you’d find a cabinet filled with cracked china dolls.’

This was a fabulous debut novel that I’m so glad I finally got the opportunity to read. I absolutely loved how this book was written. There’s this big mystery about the death of an unknown individual; the unknown individual that Eliza already admitted to killing. Snippets from the past are interspersed with current happenings and it was so exciting and thrilling I simply could not stop reading (I stayed up till 2am just to finish.)

The characters may not have been immediately likable (as they’re spoiled rich girls who say ‘like’ far too often) but if you look past their glossy exterior you realize that there’s more than meets the eye. Neil was my favorite character. According to Shirley Marr herself, Neil was originally meant to be a minor character but ended up becoming more. Fabulous decision, he was a great addition to the storyline.

I loved the hilarious names given to the characters and the multiple references to popular classics and especially to Jane Austen characters. (Jane Ayre, When the story fully came together and all was revealed, I was pleasantly surprised by the ending that I didn’t see coming. Heartbreaking though; I admit I shed a tear or two. The ending was left a bit frayed at the edges with all questions not given straight-forward answers. Whether this was meant to be left up to interpretation or whatnot, I would have liked to know what ending up happening with the girls.

This novel may be extremely hard to get a hold of, but I would highly recommend doing so regardless. It was well worth it and I simply cannot wait to read future novels by Miss Marr!!