A review by that1creativelady
A Taste of Reality by Kimberla Lawson Roby


What Did I Think Of "A Taste of Reality?

This book was mediocre.
This book was tolerable.
This book was okay.
This book tasted like... Low Sodium Saltine Crackers.
The language was so basic, like it was written for preteens. And the switch to the omniscient POV of the Executives was a little disturbing. Especially when it came to random Jim's inner monologue. That came out of left field!
Spoiler The end of the settlement came so unrealistically fast, that it made my head spin. And in regards to Frank... CALLED IT!
He just gave off a "Fetishy" (new word) vibe. You could say he was too focused on the fact that she was a black woman and leaped into the "L word" waaay too soon. Almost like he was looking for a replacement for the wife who broke his heart. He never got closure, so he wanted a "do-over".
Anise should have been smart enough to see that early on... but considering the crap she was dealing with I can't blame her. I blame the author.
I knew I would not like the ending when I realized where it was headed. I really wish Kimberla would have left that part out.