A review by circleofreadersdruid
A Letter to Amy by Ezra Jack Keats


Cute picture book that follows the further adventures of Peter from [b:The Snowy Day|310258|The Snowy Day|Ezra Jack Keats|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347624377s/310258.jpg|51286]--this time Peter is having a birthday party. He invites all his male friends in person, but he wants to send Amy a special invitation. I'm not really sure I "get" this book. Does Peter have a crush on Amy? Is that the reason for all the secrecy? Does he want to be friends? I wish this had been explained, because the plot is kind of shaky. ("Ugh! A girl!" Really?) The pictures are amazing, as usual. Love the collage work. I checked this book out from the Mississippi Library Commission.