A review by rboite
UnWholly by Neal Shusterman


3.25 in reality.
My rating implies that the general plot is sound, but that me and this book had some issues

Things that have bothered me since the first book in the dystology:

-Those moments where you get that annoying feeling that the author patted himself on the back for a particular line when it's really not very good.
-The overuse of cliched phrases
-The end-of-chapter foreshadow sentences (ex. *SPOILER* when Risa leaves the graveyard and the last sentence is something about how she will regret not saying goodbye -_____-)
-The tendency to tell rather than show the characteristics of the main characters
-The fact that there isn't really time to show instead of tell because of the constant switching of perspectives

Obviously, I have some issues with Shusterman's writing style.

I read A LOT of YA and can usually get past the little things that bother me. In a way, I did...by finishing the book, but the fact that I feel the need to highlight the points above should be a good warning for people who have issues with YA in general

Also--SPOILER--Starkey and his selfishness made me stab this book with a pen TWICE
I understand that he's had a tough lot and everything, but I would feel more inclined to pity/understand him if his character development had done more in the way of that (*cough* too much switching perspectives and telling *cough*)

I'll probably read the rest though, because I'm half-way through, not a quitter, and, as I said, the general plot, and what it revolves around, is interesting.

Happy reading!