A review by cheydenise
The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker


WOW! Not only did I devour this book, I annotated one of my fictional books for the first time. I found myself highlighting so often because of all the beautiful quotes and the storytelling Baker was able to do. I found myself immersed in Ren’s world and unable to leave. A half Shinigami and half Reaper girl captured my entire heart. I felt so drawn to Hiro and for a good reason totally. I fell in love with everything about this story from the setting, to the characters, and even the lore! The vibe felt so eerie at times but also overwhelming beautiful. I’d definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to follow Ren on a journey of death that had me extremely nervous at times but also in awe because of what she’s truly capable of. Imagine not being wanted by anyone, not your father or your peers around you besides your brother Neven. This is what happened to Ren as a reaper and she couldn’t help but want to know what it’d be like to be accepted truly by those around her. I couldn’t recommend this enough as it’s my favorite book this year. This 5 stars is the easiest I’ve ever given.