A review by chrissireads
Dead Romantic by C.J. Skuse


I thought Dead Romantic was an amazing book. It’s a book that I didn’t expect to like as much as I did. I was totally drawn into the world, loved the pacing of the story and adored the characters!

Dead Romantic centres around a girl called Camille. One night after an awful experience at a freshers event, Camille runs into Zoe at a graveyard. Zoe appeas to be digging up a grave. Camille is immediately intrigued by Zoe and they strike up an unusual friendship. Zoe and Camille decide to make the perfect boy for Camille to take to a party. Zoe is fascinated with biology and bringing things to life. She shows Camille (and the rest of her science class whilst the teacher is locked in a cupboard) how she can bring a hamster to life. Zoe decides that the perfect boy will be made of different dead body parts. So the hunt for dead bodies is on.

You’d think that this sounds utterly disgusting, but C.J. Skuse writes in such a way that it isn’t so disgusting. Yes, there are severed limbs aplenty, but there’s also incredibly funny elements to this story. There’s romance and friendship. It’s not just about the Frankenstein-stylee boy.

I really enjoyed reading about the main characters Camille and Zoe. I loved how they both were different to the rest. Camille was more about fitting in, but as soon as she met Zoe she began to drift away from her old friends. I loved Zoe’s uniqueness although I did find her a little unreliable and I wasn’t sure what she might do next! I do like that about a character though and I think C.J. Skuse created a wonderful character in Zoe.

This story is a little ridiculous in parts, but it’s so wonderful at the same time. There are some real laugh out loud moments which I really appreciated. It may have some gory parts and some reincarnated animals but it’s also a story with a great friendship and sweet romance at the heart of it.