A review by cherbear
The Never List by Koethi Zan


Fairly good mystery. Thoroughly suspenseful even though I thought towards the end the author stretched credulity a bit. Like, when the women all decide to go back to the house where they were imprisoned. Not sure I quite believe they would be all willing to do that, especially since it was so obviously a trap. And why didn't anyone think it a good idea to maybe tell someone where they were going. Even if they just leave a message or a note. I also kind of saw the reveal at the end. I thought something like that might happen.
I did like how the author handled the women's captivity. I was a little wary of this book because I feared there might be a lot of gory details of what happened to the girls, but she really left most of it to our imaginations. I would, however, have liked to know a little more about why Jennifer was singled out to get the worst punishment and exactly how did it differ--other than her being kept in that box. Which is absolutely horrible.
And I really wanted more details about how this psychopath could get a sentence where he could possibly be paroled in ten years. That is absolutely crazy. There was vague reference to a mistake at the lab, but to me the women's testimony alone, combined with the fact that they were found chained in his home, should have been enough. I also don't think they would have left the torture rack in his house. It would have been taken as evidence.
Overall it was a good book. Mystery novels don't need to be completely believable to be enjoyable and this one was enjoyable.