A review by themedreads
Generation Manifestation by Steven Bereznai, Steven Bereznai


[I received an ARC from Book Sirens in exchange for my honest review]

I am a bit conflicted with this review, on one hand, I really enjoyed the majority of this book but on the other hand, I really disliked the last portion, I felt like the whole feel of the book changed drastically which kind of threw me off. The overall idea of a dystopian world where there are superheroes is fascinating and has so much potential to be a great book, however, I found myself at times frustrated with the characters and pace of the book.

This book hooked me right away and I ended up finishing it in a day, however, I did find I was starting to lose interest in the last few chapters. To me, it seemed almost like the author had too much going on and didn't know how to resolve everything. This left me frustrated, as it is obvious that there will be a sequel. If this is the case, the author could have easily left some things to be picked up in the next book and finished with a regular pace. With the way things left off, it made it so I have no interest in continuing the series. I found by the end of the book I actually disliked the characters where in the beginning they all had a unique something about them

Don't get me wrong, this book had some amazing parts. It had so much potential to be a great book, but instead, we have this rushed ending. I put this book down very disappointed. Maybe this was intentional, and if that is the case it did not hit the mark. I did find that this book had a feel of many types of books mashed into one. The main books I found this was very similar to was Divergent and a bit of The Hunger Games.

I might give Steven Bereznai a second chance and pick up another one of their books, however, it will not be the sequel to Generation Manifestation. I give this book a 3-star rating as I did enjoy the majority of the book, but due to the last portion being disappointing it lowered my rating.