A review by tashrow
Ribbit Rabbit by Mike Lowery, Candace Ryan


Frog and Bunny are the best of friend. They swim together. Fight monsters together. Even share peanut butter sandwiches. But sometimes something happens and they stop getting along. Like when they find a robot with a key. One of them ends up with the robot, the other with the key. And they don’t want to share. After a bit of alone time though, they come together ready to share and have fun once again.

Ryan’s text is such fun to read aloud. It trips, gallops, dashes and dances on the tongue. The rhythm of the book is a delight and the silly rhymes add joy to the book. It is impossible to read it without grinning.

Lowery’s illustrations have a wonderful modern, fresh feel to them. Done in pencil, screen printing and print gocco, they are finished digitally. They have a simplicity that works well here. The soft colors have an intriguing pop to them and the texture from the screen printing adds to the appeal.

Highly recommended, this is a top choice for toddler and preschool story times. Appropriate for ages 2-4.