A review by wombatjenni
The Art of Noticing: 131 Ways to Spark Creativity, Find Inspiration, and Discover Joy in the Everyday by Rob Walker


Although seeing the words "spark" and "joy" in the title may make some folks cringe, this book is a fun gallop through a myriad of ways in which people can learn to observe with intention and thus, become more present in their environment and to others, which unavoidably leads to finding new connections and ways of thinking about problems or situations.

And it's not all about recording weird things you see on your way to work every day (although that sounds really fun!), or drawing instead of taking photos; you may be surprised to learn that it even covers how to control a "jumpy" mind when you're listening to a person speak and thus become more present in a conversation, whether it's at work in a meeting, drinks with a friend, or at an extremely dull dinner conversation with family. (It's also practical: this helps you avoid misremembering or misunderstanding conversations because you're no longer glancing at your phone while the most crucial sentences are uttered!)

I started reading this for the Lynda Barry-like observational creativity and looking at the mundane from a new perspective, but the most memorable takeaways for me were the ones that help be more connected and present with others.