A review by krystyne88
The Bad Mothers' Book Club by Keris Stainton


This book was a nice distraction from heavier and darker things going on during this pandemic, so for that alone it gets 3 stars.

The writing style could have been set up a little better. She didnt separate the narratives into separate chapters so It got really confusing. Also her writing is not as sophisticated as I typically enjoy but whatever.

Jools is set up to be the villian but I liked her fron the beginning. Emma the main protagonist, I found annoying. I agree with fellow reviews that she is lazy and vulgar. Seriously who swears that much in front of your kids?

I wish they actually read books and referenced them in the story.

The ending was sweet...few tears actually. The message is a really good one. Be kind to all you meet because you do not know their full story. Learn to let go and forgive. Do what makes YOU happy, you cannot live your lives for others.