A review by shutupaboutbooks
The Witchwood Knot by Olivia Atwater


   When I first heard about Olivia Atwater's new book, I thought it sounds good but I'm sure it won't be as good as Half A Soul. I was wrong. It was better. 
   My biggest complaint about Half A Soul was that it, at times, felt a little YA. This book did not. Despite its lack of sex or even violence it still managed to come across as mature. 
    I was promised a gothic fantasy and that's exactly what I got! The haunted house was unlike any haunted house I'd read about before. The was the fae are interwoven into what is typically a ghost story was brilliantly done. 
   The characters were just phenomenal. I loved the way Winnie slowly softened but never weakened throughout the book. Mr. Quincy was a really interesting character was well. Both characters were really fleshed out. 
   I loved the romance! It was so subtle but it felt natural and not at all forced. 
   I can't wait to read the rest of the series! 
   Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!