A review by lkroger
Everlost by Neal Shusterman


Thanks to Logan's recommendation I bought and read this book over fall break.

It's about two teenagers, Nick and Allie, that are somehow caught between the land of the living and the afterlife. They meet other ghostly teens and kids, some of whom are helpful (Leif,a boy that died in the late 1800's that invites them to love in his enchanted forest), and some of whom are not so helpful (supernatural bullies, monsters, and other spirits...)

Will Nick and Allie ever see their Earthly families again? Will they rest in peace? Check out Everlost soon to find out answers to these questions!

You'd like this book if: You are in the mood for a creepy, (but not too creepy) book.
Enjoyed The Lightning Thief series (Everlong's mix of scary, action, and humor reminded me of those books).
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