A review by cr4nkyp4nts
The Nowhere Man by Gregg Hurwitz


After finishing Orphan X, I was ready for more action and excitement. I definitely wasn't disappointed.

In this episode of the series, Evan Smoak becomes abducted and has to not only free himself, but do it with enough time to save the woman who begged the Nowhere Man for help. And then there's finding out more about the big reveal at the end of the previous book: what the hell happened with Jack?!

I did worry that there would be less ass kicking because a good chunk of the book was Evan locked up but I shouldn't have. There was plenty of violence and destruction, maybe even more than in the first book. There was also lots more character development, which I enjoyed quite a bit. I feel like I know and understand Evan much better and he's more than just an over-the-top action hero to me now. I found myself wanting him to be happy and wanting him to walk away from the life he's created for himself. But he IS a hero, after all...

I should be moving on to the third installment soon.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a new series to fall in love with!