A review by ghostie_reads
SignsSymbols of the World: Over 1,001 Visual Signs Explained by D.R. McElroy


Putting Signs and Symbols of the World together seems like such a monumental task. When I was reading through it, I couldn't believe how many different symbols there were! Yes, the subtitle says over 1001 signs, but that's not something you can compute until you actually see it.

McElroy does an excellent job of providing enough context to explain the symbol. This style also allows the reader to decide if they want to know more or not, at which point they could go research the symbol using the knowledge from this book.

I don't have a particular interest in technological, manufacturing, or scientific symbols, but I definitely find them useful and think it would be beneficial to have on hand if the need ever arose. I loved the inclusion of symbols from different cultures (like the Chinese Zodiac), as I think that would allow readers of all ages (but specifically young readers) the chance to broaden their worldview.

I definitely recommend buying this book, especially for those who may be super curious about the different facets that make up the world and our society. I know I eagerly await its publication.

Overall rating: 5/5

Signs & Symbols of the World will be available for purchase on July 6th. Be sure to add it to your Goodreads shelf and see where it's available for purchase. Also, be sure to check out D. R. McElroy's website!

I was lucky enough to be able to read this Advanced Reader's Copy through my partnership with NetGalley. All opinions are my own.