A review by conniejoy529
Daisy Dominatrix by Jennifer L. Hart


I was really torn between three and four stars here so lets call it 3 and 1-2. I really like the beginning of this book, but the middle almost lost me, then the story was completely redeemed by the end. So it left me with a smile on my face which is always good. I got this book as a kindle freebie, so I was excited that it was a full length novel and not just a teaser.

By day Daisy is an accountant. She spends her time doing taxes, taking care of her slightly crazy aunt, and putting up with the mother who was never there when she needed her, but now always manages shows up when she is least wanted. By night, Daisy becomes Catwoman, a professional dominatrix. Where she spends her time in Mistress Minerva's dungeon spanking various men. And never the worlds shall meet.

Until Duran walks into Daisy's accounting office with a shoebox full of receipts and mutual instant attraction. Which is great until Duran also later walks into Mistress Minerva's looking to be dominated by none other than Catwoman herself. Luckily Catwoman is always masked. But eventually Daisy will have to reveal herself.

So yeah, I ended up liking this one in the end. I had seriously mixed feelings about every single character in the book, and there were quite a few of them, there was not a single character that I liked all the way through. In the beginning Daisy seemed genuinely happy with her life (except for her mother, which was to be expected) but through out the book she lost her sense of self. I didn't like the way that she referred to herself as though she had multiple personalities, as though Daisy was one person, and Catwoman was another. I liked the fact that in the beginning she was strong, and confident, and dominant, and I hated when she started to lose that halfway through the book. I was sure this was going to turn into every other bad BDSM book I'd ever attempted to read where the dominant woman "realized" that she didn't need or really want to be dominant and suddenly realized that she was in fact submissive if the right man came along to dominate her. I almost stopped reading because I felt it heading that way, and it actually did reach that point, but (hopefully i'm not spoiling anything here) Daisy snapped out of it, and decided to be who she really was. And was strong enough to decide that if Duran couldn't accept her then he wasn't right for her anyway.

There were so many weird peripheral characters in this book, and so many strange subplots. In total they were interesting, but certainly not all necessary. Overall I was completely creeped out by Duran's father and how he was connected to everything and everyone seemed forced. There was also some unnecessary conflict, but it all did add to the story.

Overall it was an enjoyable read. I would probably read it again, and suggest it to others.