A review by ktomp17
Lexington Black by S.A. Smythe


I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

Rob was a man whose wife asked for a divorce. She was an awful woman (in my opionion) and he had an awful mother and sister. His father committed suicide when he was younger. His twin sister is his best friend. Although he is straight when the book starts, he very easily accepts the fact that he is attracted to another man and does not ignore the feelings. He jumps right into it and embraces who he is.

Lex is a billionaire who goes for what he wants. He sees Rob and falls immediately in love with him. He does whatever he can for Rob (except tell him the truth about an important situation). He has never really gotten along with his father, but it was wonderful to see this relationship evolve in the book. I definitely got teary-eyed.

Peter (Lex's best friend) and Geri (Rob's sister) were wonderful side characters. I enjoyed them a lot.

I really enjoyed about 85% of this story. The stuff about Rob's dad was really weird. Like icky weird. I can't blame Rob for being freaked out and angry at Lex--he didn't tell him the truth. What was weird, though, was how once they got back together, he mentioned his dad in bed. EWWW. That just seemed unnecessary. They hadn't even discussed any of it (on paper anyway--maybe there was a lot more story than what we read. If that is the case, I don't like that either. Tell me the story!) so to bring it up in a passionate moment seemed a bit off to me.

That said, I liked the connection that Rob and Lex had. There was definite chemistry and they were really hot together. There was a bit of insta-love on Lex's part that was difficult to determine if it was really because of Rob or because of his father. If there hadn't been such a focus on the dad, I wouldn't have questioned it, but the heavy influence made me not buy into it as much as I might have initially. Fortunately, Rob seemed to get over it.

I would have liked to see more resolution between them and I would have liked a little longer epilogue to better feel that things were going to work out for them. Otherwise, though, I did enjoy it.