A review by alexctelander
Written in Fire by Marcus Sakey


Tensions in the United States are at the brink in Written in Fire, Marcus Sakey’s concluding volume to the Brilliance Trilogy. And like any addictive thriller, be it science fiction or not, it’s all essentially up to one man.

The White House is now a smoking pile of ashes due to what is called a terrorist attack, but was in fact conducted at the instigation of a brilliant whose self-created town was threatened and under attack. Madison Square Garden has become an interment camp for brilliants. The government would like them all tagged and controlled. The irony is not missed here.

Meanwhile there’s the town of Tesla, one that is separate from the United States, under the control and jurisdiction of a very rich and successful brilliant who caused the stock markets to crash. This town is about to be attacked by a self-appointed militia of thousands looking to take over a good portion of brilliants and bring these “abnorms” to their knees and take back their country. The town of Tesla has an impressive defensive structure in place: a microwave magnetic field that will slowly cook a person who strays too far. But the militia have captured all the brilliant children and are using them as human shields.

Like the other two books, Sakey has a talent for building the tension one block on top of another, keeping the reader addicted to the page. Our protagonist Nick Cooper seems to get all the ladies and find just the right way of resolving everything and coming out a little battered and bruised but still alive and well. Nevertheless, Written in Fire is the epitome of a thrilling read that still leaves the reader wondering until the very end how it will all play out.

Originally written on March 26, 2016 ©Alex C. Telander.

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