A review by jlynnelseauthor
Twisted Reveries by Meg Hafdahl


So I've actually read Twisted Reveries Volume II, but I wanted to share my love of Hafdahl's storytelling and spread the 5 stars!

While I typically avoid horror stories, this one has such a delightful X-Files twist that I found it hard to stop reading (minus a foxy Fox Mulder character though, which I'll forgive this time). Hafdahl's stories are creepy, psychological, and surprising. My favorite story was "Fred Willoughby." Oh that "willful idiot." Best twist ending that took the creepy up a notch as well as shifed the balance of power in an intriguing way.

Will the mystery of Willoughby ever be solved? I'm willing to read more to find out. I look forward to Hafdahl's next twist down the road into this small town.