A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Love on a Whim by Suzanne Woods Fisher


Love on a Whim by Suzanne Woods Fisher is an appealing story. I thought Love on a Whim was well-written with developed, realistic characters. I enjoyed catching up with Marnie, Dawn, Callie, Lincoln, and, especially, Leo (the Cowboy). I could relate to Brynn who is a success at her job but feels unfulfilled. She made an impulsive decision while at a conference and panicked (I am sure we have all made decisions that we regret the next morning). A change of locale plus being with good friends may be just what Brynn needs. We meet Lincoln’s son, Bear, who has a bad attitude towards his father, Lincoln, as well as the Dixon’s. Lincoln’s daughter is getting married and over-the-top is a mild term for the nuptials. Forgiveness is the main theme in Love on a Whim. Bruno said two of my favorite quotable lines, “Forgiveness is an essential ingredient for any meaningful relationship” and “Nothing is impossible with God.” I was a tad disappointed with the ending (I do not want to give anything away). I wanted a certain event to be described, so I could experience it instead of being told about it. While Love on a Whim can be read as a standalone, I do recommend reading the Cape Cod Creamery series in order which will allow you to get the full experience. I like that Marnie’s best friend, Maeve Grayson, from the Three Sisters Island series, is included in the story. I enjoyed the quotes relating to ice cream before each chapter. My two favorites are, “Ice cream is cheaper than therapy” and “I’m skipping dinner and going straight for the pints.” I will miss my visits to Cape Cod as well as the scrumptious ice cream descriptions (do you think I can get Dawn to send me a couple pints of Double-Fold Vanilla).