A review by nbrown2
The Girl With All the Gifts by M.R. Carey


I really enjoyed this book! It was a fairly quick and easy read. I wasn’t overly blown away but I definitely liked it. I had high hopes based on other reviews I had read and the description, so I think I was hoping it was going to be more than it was. But overall it was enjoyable!

What I really liked: The plot line was really interesting and not something I’ve read before which was extremely refreshing. It was a good Halloween/October read that wasn’t at all scary (can’t go to sleep without my lights on isn’t exactly my genre of choice). The story line moved quickly and the there was enough detail to make sense of what was going on.

What I didn’t love: Sometimes I felt like the language was all over the place. This makes sense since different chapters are told from different character perspectives (more on that in a minute). But sometimes the language seemed almost colloquial and sort of child like and the next there was random more harsh/crass language that just didn’t seem to fit with the overall tone. It sort of distracted me a bit whenever it popped up because it took me out of the moment. And the character perspectives! I didn’t know when I started reading that the point of view would change. Now this isn’t always a bad thing; it seems to be a pretty popular trend right now. But I did seem like it came out of nowhere and it didn’t always flow too well.

But overall this was a really enjoyable read. It’s not something that’s normally my genre of choice so I was pleasantly surprised by how much I did actually like it!