A review by nicolerene
Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder


This is the second novel in the "Study" series by Maria Snyder, the first being Poison Study.
First, let me say I still have a hard time with Snyder's simplistic writing style. It reminds me of a something an aspiring high school novelist would write. Some of the dialogue between characters is awkward at times. Snyder gives her characters one-liners that while humorous, appear out of place in the world she has created. Also, Yelena's magic abilities develop unrealistically fast. Snyder talks about the need for magical abilities to be honed and developed, yet Yelena becomes a master overnight.
All that being said, I really like these books for a couple of reasons. These books are unlike any fantasy novel I have read. Snyder has created an entire new world and culture.
Also, these books are definately acceptable for teens and young adults, as they contain NO sex scenes. They do allude to them, but do not provide any details (PG rating).
I am excited to read the 3rd installment in the series, Fire Study".

***On a side note, I bought this book in the YA section because it was $3 cheaper than the "adult" version. Same book, different price.