A review by iam
Fake Boyfriend Breakaways by Eden Finley


Great collection of short stories that add wonderfully to the Fake Boyfriend series with both new and reocurring characters.

Content warnings include: sex on-page, break-up, unconsensual kissing; mentions of cheating, sexual relationship where one person is in a higher/superior position regarding their careers.

Individual ratings and reviews:

Rebound: 3.5 stars
This is Wyatt and Aron's story and ties in with events in [b:Trick Play|39863941|Trick Play (Fake Boyfriend, #2)|Eden Finley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1528369474l/39863941._SY75_.jpg|61660535]. It was cute with a rebound-fuck-turns-serious, friends-to-lovers and a bit of a second chance storyline. I liked both Wyatt and Aron, and it's best to read it as part of the series. While I did like it, it does feel like the entire middle part is missing.

It's Complicated: 4.5 stars
Max and Ash's story, ties in with events in [b:Deke|43482251|Deke (Fake Boyfriend, #3)|Eden Finley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1546811007l/43482251._SY75_.jpg|61660544]. Another friends-to-lovers and second chance storyline, with lots and lots of pining and thinking-it's-unrequited-love. I liked it despite how heavy it is on the angst, which was often countered by the "we put the fun in dysfunctional" Strömberg family.

Winning You: 4 stars
Marty and Luce's story, which acts as a prequel to [b:Hat Trick|43521153|Hat Trick (Fake Boyfriend, #5)|Eden Finley|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|67687655] despite the two characters being new to the series. I absolutely adored this story as part of [b:Heart2Heart: A Charity Anthology, Volume 2|42739193|Heart2Heart A Charity Anthology, Volume 2|R.G. Alexander|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1541789613l/42739193._SY75_.jpg|66461652], and it might be my favourite story from this author. As much as I love that it is now extended... I like it less this way. I adore getting more from these characters, but the events of the extension just don't sit entirely right with me. A big chunk of time is missing in the middle, and the ending... It just felt a bit wrong to me. Still a wonderful story, I just prefer the unextended version.

I received an ARC and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.