A review by condygurl
Playing Hooky by Rita J. Webb


When I started this book, I wasn't sure what to expect. But what I found was a fun filled jaunt through the paranormal. The story itself is a very quick read. The book starts out simple enough, girl (Emma) secretly in love with the boy (Jason), meanwhile boy is secretly in love with the girl.

It's Emma's Birthday, and Jason is going to take her out on her yearly birthday adventure. From here this book turns from your oh so typical romance into an adventure of hilariousness. Unicorns, Sirens, Manticores and a very magical circus all lead us into a world of the paranormal.

Now this book was fun with a capital F. But sadly I can't give it 5 stars. And I will tell you why that is, first of all the books entry into paranormal doesn't surprise Emma at all, for me that is totally unrealistic of a response to seeing real live Unicorns. I personally wouldn't accept that so quickly. But we will suspend belief for the moment that she really did respond like this. Within a chapter I knew who the culprit was who stole the Siren. AND just as I was totally absorbed in the story suspending belief and accepting that I knew who the thief was, BAM the book ended.

I never found out what Jason was, I never found out if they wind up together or not. Now mind you this is a fabulous book for what it is. I am assuming that this book is the first in a series, and I'm hoping that the next book gives me some closure. All in all, I give it 4.5 stars and I do recommend this book for a quick read and for the entertainment value.

Details/Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this book for my honest review. This free book held no determination on my final review.