A review by wealhtheow
Lavender Lady by Carola Dunn


A broken leg leaves David Fairfax, Earl of Alton and rich man-about-town, at the tender mercies of the Godric family. Led by kind, sensible Hester, the large brood are orphans but full of love and merriment. Fairfax and Hester have an immediate rapport, but each are sure the other loves someone else. Misunderstandings and amusing hijinks continue until the novel abruptly ends.

Hester's family was in Trade, and one of the things keeping them apart is Fairfax's worry that the ton will never accept her. I really liked that he was aware of the real problems due to their social differences. It was solved a little too neatly, but on the whole it was a refreshingly believable issue--much better than the misunderstandings (Fairfax thinks Hester loves a parson! Hester thinks Fairfax loves her sister!). An enjoyable read.