A review by nbiblioholic
Reckless Heat by Lynn Raye Harris


As prequels go, this was a good one. Evie and Matt have been best friends forever. As they grew up, their closeness couldn't be denied. But as Evie matured, her feelings for Matt changed. She fell in love with her best friend and he couldn't see it. He still treated her as a friend, warmed his bed with many women, and never really looked at her. No matter how hard she tried to get him to see her as someone more to him, he firmly placed her in the friend zone. So when she finds out that he intends to leave town after graduation, she makes one more ditch effort to get him to realize what they could be. And risks her young tender heart in the process.

The author did a great job of capturing the unrequited young love experience. It was easy to imagine Evie's anguish and Matt's ignorance. I wasn't completely sold on the idea of them as a couple, but I admired Evie's determination to make it so. I just felt so bad for her. Matt was so cavalier with her feelings, and I hated that he DID know how she felt and still nothing, and I didn't like that Evie allowed herself to be hurt. I get that her feelings couldn't be denied, but poor thing needed someone to tell her to just move on, without her having to be forced to. Matt was just a boy and we can't expect huge things from him. Not every young man is swoon worthy, right?

I'm off to find out what happens when these characters reunite in Hot Pursuit. I hope Evie makes him grovel hard core!