A review by sweetcreature89
The Last Archangel by Michael D. Young


This novel was provided for free by the author for review.

I literally just finished this novel and all I can say is wow. This book has so much depth to it and I found myself getting lost in the world the author has created for these characters. Michael D. Young successfully weaved in historic events in the world's history, our "myths", as well as stories from the Old Testament. (Ex: The Flood, Atlantis, Pompeii). I loved this. It worked so well for the story and was believable as a part of the storyline.

This novel is very action packed. Lovers of actions and heroics, this is definitely a novel for you. There's action literally on almost every single page. It well written and the characters are very well created.

Multiples times in the novel I found myself practically doing a mental double take. There's so much stuff in The Last Archangel that draws you in and constantly makes you wonder what the heck is going to happen next.

The novel as a whole was amazing and the ending did not disappoint. There was quite a twist that I did not see coming and certainly enjoyed. This novel will definitely be a future re-read for me.