A review by meezcarrie
A Lady Unrivaled by Roseanna M. White


There are many things to love about A Lady Unrivaled. Not the least of which, the way that these ladies of the manor are not bound by society’s restrictions or expectations but carry concealed weapons on their persons and charge in to save the day despite being barely pregnant and nearly due (two different people there, in case you were wondering).

But we had all these marvelously strong yet feminine characters in the previous two books as well, and while I love them there is just something about A Lady Unrivaled that shines the tiniest bit brighter.

That light is Lady Ella Myerston, front and center stage. With her delightful quirks and her charming wit and her sincere heart, she not only spreads sunshine everywhere she walks within the pages of the book but to the reader as well. She truly is a lady unrivaled, and I was thrilled to “meet” her again and see her story come to life. Combined with Lord James Cayton (whom we’ve also met before), their chemistry is fantastic and I’m not sure I’ve yet stopped smiling at their banter.

Underlying the awesome characters and the witty humor and the delicious romance (that first kiss – WOW!) is a gentle theme of trust. Trusting who we are in Jesus… not living in the regret of who we were without Him. Trusting what we know is right… even when we can’t see the outcome. Another theme is more sobering, specifically of how deep a pit that greed can lead us into – far deeper than anyone ever dreamed we would fall. And while it is true that, as Corrie Ten Boom said so wisely, there is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still, the story woven so beautifully, and also so tragically, throughout the Ladies of the Manor series reminds us that we all have a choice when given the opportunity for Divine Rescue.

A Lady Unrivaled takes you from laughter to tears to holding your breath in suspense to fond smiles of kinship to fanning yourself over that doozy of a kiss. And always always – no matter your current emotional state – it keeps you totally immersed in the story and in these characters. Reuniting with beloved characters from the previous books – as well as some rather dastardly ones that we can’t quite seem to get rid of – is quite simply the icing on the cake for what is an absolutely fantastic conclusion to an absolutely fantastic series!

(I received a copy of this book in exchange for only my honest review.)

see my full review at Reading Is My SuperPower