A review by bethreadsandnaps
A Bad Idea I'm about to Do: True Tales of Seriously Poor Judgment and Stunningly Awkward Adventure by Chris Gethard


In all honesty, this was more like a 2.5 stars to me, and I chose to round down. Some essays were better than others. I found the colonic one funny. There was a bizarre one about a goat that I just skimmed. I found the high-speed chase kind of sad. The best description/essay in the book, in my opinion, was working at a Loews movie theater in New Jersey.

I think self-deprecation can be quite funny, but the author takes it to an extreme and when you combine it with his manic depression, it can be quite a mess.

As a side note, I don't believe I've ever seen the author perform as a comedian. Perhaps some context would have helped me.