A review by readingwithhippos
Honor and Desire by Rebel Carter


I never thought I wanted a romance novel with a gun on the cover, but when I saw this book I was like, I stand corrected. It turns out I want nothing more than a strong black woman sheriff’s deputy in Old West Montana who’s a crack shot with a rifle. Okay, technically Seylah is a secretary for the sheriff’s department, but she often steps in when the department is short-handed, and if that includes making an arrest or two, well, so be it. She’s known August since they were children and at one time even had a crush on him, but he burned that bridge and they’ve always kept things platonic. Until a handsome stranger comes to town with designs on sweeping Seylah off her feet--then all of a sudden, August wants to throw his hat into the ring. Seylah is a hard-headed, capable woman in the style of some of my favorite Beverly Jenkins characters--she knows she can do “man’s work” and rejects the attempts of men in her life to stifle her under the guise of protecting her safety. And seriously, come ON with that cover, have you ever seen anything so perfect in your life?