A review by readfrenzy
A Favor for a Favor by Helena Hunting


4.5 stars

A bunch of feel-good moments are packed into this book, making A Favor for a Favor a joy to read. I knew Helena Hunting had a potential hit series on her hands after reading [b:A Lie for a Lie|44776456|A Lie for a Lie (All In, #1)|Helena Hunting|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1560473460l/44776456._SY75_.jpg|69415755]. It’s now official because I enjoyed this book even more.

In Bishop, you have a surly jerk that I couldn’t help but love. His care for his brother is heartwarming and his corny boxer briefs showcase his humorous side. It’s refreshing that he isn’t a stereotypical hockey hunk who chases puck bunnies. He’s all about proving himself on the ice and securing a long-term contract with his team.

Bishop’s team captain—and major rival—is RJ (from A Lie for a Lie). As luck would have it, Stevie is Bishop’s pastel-haired, feisty new neighbor, as well as RJ’s little sister. She wants to step out of her famous brother’s shadow and establish her own career as a sports physical therapist. Stevie and Bishop get off to a rocky start due to a series of mistaken assumptions, but their friendship and mutual attraction grow as she helps him recover from an injury.

RJ can be a bit of a tool when he’s in protective big brother mode but despite his disapproval, the story is low on angst and full of fun. The audiobook features two of my favorite narrators, Erin Mallon and Jacob Morgan. When male and female narrators try to impersonate the opposite sex it can often be cringey, but these two have a knack for it. Jacob also nails the sexy and funny combo. Erin’s performance is as wonderful as ever.

Recommended for fans of:
Sports romance
Protective siblings
Pineapple and olives

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