A review by vanshikajaiin
I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez


3.5 ⭐️

When I was about 70 pages in, I had decided that I wasn’t going to be able to finish it. I was on the verge of dnf-ing it because gosh, was it slow. But since this was for a book club, I decided to push my way through it. And I’m glad I did!

In the beginning, I really disliked Julia. She was a very problematic, selfish and unsympathetic character. She didn’t have very many likeable qualities and literally anything and everything would piss her off. But as the story progressed and she started understanding herself, I could really relate to her. She’s gone through a lot in her life and is not loved by her family and that, to me, seemed like one of the most important reasons for her behaviour. Her parents were always indifferent towards her feelings and they never paid heed to her wishes. She just wanted to be loved.

The only likeable characters in this story were Mr.Ingman, Lorena and Conner. Only towards the end light was thrown on her mother’s behaviour, but I really wish we’d gotten more insight into it. This book reminds me of A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bhathena for some reason.

Overall, I’d recommend giving it a chance! I’m sorry this review is all over the place